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MBA Finance & Accounting (Specialisation)

Sandip Vinodray Modha

"For me, IU's extensive network was the key to success."

After working in finance in London and Dubai, Sandip Modha came to Berlin to pursue a Master of Business (MBA) at IU (formerly known as IUBH). At a university event, he made contact with the international financial services provider Leondrino Exchange – where he now works successfully as a finance specialist.

From London and Dubai to Berlin

After finishing my studies and working as a management accountant for the fashion retailer Pomodoro Clothing, I moved to the United Arab Emirates. Dubai was the perfect place for me in terms of its strong economic growth, sunny weather and proximity to my home country of India. There I started working in retail at New Bellbird Apparel. I knew it was a challenging industry - and that was exactly what excited me. Five intensive years later, I came up with the idea of pursuing a Master of Business Administration (MBA). An MBA is one of the most prestigious qualifications and opens up career opportunities worldwide. In my search to find the right university, IU (formerly known as IUBH) Berlin met all the criteria that were important to me. I also liked the fact that Berlin is a very international city and is currently evolving into being the hub of Europe's start-up scene.

IU (formerly known as IUBH) network leads to a new employer

As part of my studies at IU (formerly known as IUBH), I participated in a blockchain seminar on campus, during which I was able to make numerous business contacts. This network and a personal recommendation led me to my current employer, the financial services provider Leondrino Exchange. In collaboration with the company, I wrote my thesis and was subsequently rewarded with a full-time position. My job is to manage day-to-day financial operations and to raise capital for the company's continued growth. What I learned during my studies at IU (formerly known as IUBH) helps me a lot: Thanks to its international orientation, I became familiar with many cultures and this is very useful in my daily work. However, the most important advantage for me is that you can participate in IU (formerly known as IUBH) events and establish an excellent network. My career proves it: networking is the key to success!