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M.Sc. Artificial Intelligence

Raphael Hagemann

"What I like most about the programme is its flexibility. It allows me to adapt my studies perfectly to my everyday life - and not the other way around. That was important to me!"

I am working in the Project & Systems Management and Regulatory Compliance at Germany's biggest retail market maker. Additionally, I have also recently started working on my own blockchain project. We are already in several small funding networks and hope to start our own company soon.

What attracted you to study at IU?

I was looking for a course of study that was both exciting and challenging - in other words, broadened my horizons - but at the same time was compatible with my busy everyday life.

Which study programme and time model did you choose, and why?

I chose the online part-time Master in Artificial Intelligence. I have been interested in this topic for a long time and wanted to learn more about it. In particular, I am interested in future societal implications and philosophical issues related to artificial intelligence.

What do you like most about your study programme?

What I like most about the programme is its flexibility. It allows me to adapt my studies perfectly to my everyday life - and not the other way around. That was important to me!

How has your experience at IU been so far?

To be honest, I haven't experienced much about the teaching atmosphere and fellow students, but I also haven't really looked for them. At some points - when I was stuck for the first time - I felt very much on my own, but that was also the path I chose. When I got stuck even after multiple efforts, I always found adequate help in the Microsoft Teams groups.

How did your studies influence your career path?

At this point - I've been enrolled for about a year - I can't see any direct impacts on my career yet.

How do you combine your daily work with your studies?

My typical day starts at 5 o'clock. I then spend the first 1.5 hours trying to wake up, do some private reading, and prepare for the day with meditation. At 6:30, I head into the first forty-five-minute Uni session, which then transitions into the second morning session with a short shower break. At 8:15 I then get ready and head to work, where I will then stay from 9:00 am until about 5:30 pm. Back home I sit down then again 1 h for the university - except on Mondays, there is sports with subsequent sauna session announced! :-)

What is your experience with your online studies in terms of human interaction?

I haven't had many human interactions yet, but I'm sure they would be quite easy to make.

Why did you choose to study in English?

Apart from the fact that my course was offered exclusively in English, anything else - due to the international reference - would not have made much sense. In addition, I also saw a new challenge here to improve my English.

What are some of the ways that you think studying at IU can help you with your career?

With the degree I am aiming for, I can imagine myself in a leading position, which will have a strong relation to artificial intelligence projects. Certainly, my studies will give me helpful tips and skills for my project even now.

What is your life/career plan for the future?

For the time being, I would most likely like to stay in the free economy. I come from the financial sector, but as time goes by I realise that it is becoming less and less attractive to me. Accordingly, I would like to further develop my career in the areas of artificial intelligence and blockchain projects.

Do you have any advice for current or prospective students?

Before studying, you should probably be most aware of the high level of personal responsibility and discipline required - especially in the online version. It is challenging, but definitely also valuable in today's modern and individual working world.

Which other universities did you consider besides IU?

The Oxford Artificial Intelligence programme.

How important was the reputation of the university for your selection process?

I didn't research IU's reputation very much beforehand. I essentially chose the programme because it fit my needs, there was a lack of alternatives for exactly this programme, and because I received very friendly help and advice in advance.