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MBA Master of Business Administration

Kristjana Papajani

"So far, my experience at IU has been great and fulfilling. The teaching atmosphere is encouraging and challenging at the same time. The online campus is quite user-friendly and I can navigate easily within it."

My name is Kristjana Papajani. I come from Albania, but now I am currently living, working, and studying in Germany. I am currently working in a hotel as a representative for the team leader in the housekeeping department.

What attracted you to study at IU?

I decided to study at IU for the following reasons:
a) flexibility of programmes - I could decide between full-time and part-time study options,
b) the fact that IU had the same accreditation as the university where I finished my Bachelor’s,
c) the opportunity to study in English,
d) the affordability,
e) the availability of online master programmes,
f) the opportunity to work and study at the same time,
g) the opportunity to expand my network and start creating my desired career,
h) the opportunity to be part of the JobTeaser platform where I can connect with potential employers. 

Which study programme and time model did you choose, and why?

The MBA Master of Business Administration 90 ECTS credits full-time/online programme.

What do you like most about your study programme?

I like:
a) the fact that I can connect with my professors and ask them questions regarding the material,
b) the fact that I can choose my own study times and create my own timeline,
c) the programme contents,
d) the course materials and the availability of an extensive online library.

How has your experience at IU been so far?

So far, my experience at IU has been great and fulfilling. The teaching atmosphere is encouraging and challenging at the same time. The online campus is quite user-friendly and I can navigate easily within it.

The exam platform is well-integrated with the rest of the platform, not to mention that the IU App has helped me to keep track of my studies.

My fellow students seem eager to learn just like me and we occasionally help each other.

How have your studies influenced your career path?

I have not yet finished my studies at IU, but I believe that studying at IU will help me with my career change and with a salary raise in the near future.

My studies have also helped me visualise where I want to be in the future and which career path I want to take.

How do you combine your daily work with your studies?

My typical day starts with work because I always have the morning shift. Then I finish work around 2.30 p.m. or 4.30 p.m. depending on the shift. After finishing work, I check what I need to do in terms of coursework and learning material. After studying for 2 or more hours, I start my German course and then this concludes my day. Usually, I try to finish a course within a month because that helps me be on track with my schedule.

What is your experience with your online studies in terms of human interaction?

So far, I have had the opportunity to be in touch with my professors and a few fellow students.

The contact with professors has been via different online platforms such as Zoom, MS Teams and so on. I am also part of various student groups in WhatsApp, where different get-togethers are planned.

Why did you choose to study in English?

I decided to study in English for two reasons:
a) my level of German was not sufficient to study in German at the time of registration, and I did not want to wait and first learn German and then start the Master’s programme,
b) since the business world is highly influenced by the English language and since I had already finished my Bachelor’s program in English, I decided that I would have more opportunities if my Master’s studies were also in English.

What are some of the ways that you think studying at IU can help you with your career?

IU can help me by:
a) expanding my network,
b) offering connections with potential employers,
c) offering information sessions for international students that want to work and stay in Germany,
d) suggesting me potential employers that are willing to assist international professionals with their German residence issues,
e) offering opportunities for students who want a career in forensic accounting.

What is your life/career plan for the future?

My career plan contains these stages:

  1. Gain experience in the field of accounting and finance,
  2. Gain experience in the field of forensic accounting and finance,
  3. Become a CPA and then a CFE.

My aim is to fight white-collar crime.

Do you have any advice for current or prospective students?

I would advise the current or prospective students to take their studies seriously and commit to them, especially if they are or will be part of the online study experience.

It requires a lot of discipline, organisation, and mental agility to balance work and studies in terms of time and energy. This is fact NUMBER ONE when they are considering further studies.

Firstly, they should envision their path, decide what they will do to get to the end of this path, and keep moving forward.

Secondly, if they have a good sense of organisation and time-management, they will see that they also have enough time to have some fun or do something that relaxes them because this part is also very important.

Finally, they should stick to their vision and try to realise it.

Which other universities did you consider besides IU?

I considered applying to Hult University and West Virginia University.

My option after IU was West Virginia University because they had the programme which I wanted to study: Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination.

How important was the reputation of the university for your selection process?

The reputation of the university was quite important for me.