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B.A. Aviation Management

Julia Fuchs

"The practical relevance of the degree programme was impressive. The lecturers clearly explained which knowledge is relevant for which situations."

After completing her bachelor’s degree in aviation management, IU (formerly known as IUBH) alumna Julia Fuchs worked in various positions in the aviation industry. She has now returned to Lufthansa Cargo, her former employer from her internship semester.

Variety in the workday: between process optimisation, moderation and IT training

In my area of work, I am responsible for subprojects of larger projects. This includes a diversity of tasks such as classic process analysis and it corresponding process re-structuring, the testing of IT as well as the introduction of new IT programmes from the technical side. After developing the concept I initiate process adjustments with the department, work out IT adjustments in collaboration with the responsible departments and prepare the tests and training programmes for the users, some of which I teach myself. The exciting part about the job is that finding solutions to complex problems is as much a part of my work as leading theoretical discussions, facilitating meetings and unifying many different parties around one topic. I am practically involved with the entire cycle of my subproject, identify areas for improvement and, in collaboration with all relevant departments, develop a future scenario.

Well prepared by the academy content and training of soft skills at IU

I learned many of the skills I need for my job during my studies at IU (formerly known as IUBH). This includes for example, how to understand new topics quickly, and how to work with different kinds of people yet still reach a well thought out result. Thanks to the degree programme, I also know where to find up-to-date information about the industry, industry standards, industry pioneers and long-term trends. Computer training and the project management courses also prepared me well for my professional work. Overall, I think the practical relevance of the degree programme was impressive. The lecturers clearly explained which knowledge is relevant for which situations or tasks. This enables me to consistently apply what I learned to my professional work.