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B.A. Business Administration

Edeltraut Schwartz

"My broad-based business administration degree helped me to think outside the box."

With a Bachelor’s degree in business administration, “Edel”, as she is called in her colleague and friendship circle, switched from the tourism industry to HR at Microsoft Germany.

The end of my apprenticeship as a travel agent was also a starting point for me – because it was soon clear that I wanted to continue studying. So I successfully completed my business administration certificate alongside my job in a DER travel agency in Schweinfurt and thus qualified for university studies. Online learning was ideal for me, as I really wanted to stay in the job. The programme at IU International University of Applied Sciences gave me the flexibility I needed. During the degree, this became even more important, because I was promoted to office manager at my travel agency and I had to accommodate a responsible job – often with a 6-day week – plus studies, partner, family and friends.

If you are really motivated you are halfway there

In stressful times, my own wanderlust, as well as regularly going jogging, was great motivation for me. When I was planning my next holiday trip, I always had this in mind and I would say to myself, now is the time to put in some hard work – the next holiday is just around the corner! However, my success in my degree is also down to the network I formed at IU. Soon after starting my degree, I was lucky enough to get to know seven fantastic fellow students at an IU weekend in Bad Honnef. We have motivated and supported each other – we were once just “fellow students” but have now become really good friends.

From the tourism industry to Microsoft

At the end of my study programme, in November 2017, I felt ready for a new challenge – and found it at MSC Cruises, where I worked as the sales manager there, looking after the sales partners of the company in the south-west of Germany. I came across my current job at Microsoft on a visit to a careers fair in 2018. I was immediately excited by the company and decided to apply. And was successful! After three selection rounds, I was given the job.

My motto: don’t stand still!

At Microsoft, I am now mainly responsibly for onboarding the new employees in Germany – in other words, I have the honour of inspiring new “Microsofties” from day one with our wonderful corporate values and culture. I have also my business administration degree to thank for the fact that I was able to move from the tourism industry to HR: Using comprehensive theoretical knowledge, I can easily deal with activities in a range of different areas and can think outside of the box of my subject. This has helped me stay true to my personal goal: to pass on my knowledge and never stand still.